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01 May 2010

Showing anda Hiding MDaemon toolbars

Sometime you can not use toolbars on MDaemon server because they are accidently hidden. I've often experienced of this. If toolbars on MDaemon server didn't show you can show it by doing this steps.
  1. Open MDaemon.
  2. Go to Windows > Reset Toolbars menu.
  3. All MDaemon toolbars will show under Menu Bar.
  4. To arrange toolbars drag and drop each toolbars you want to arranga.

To Hide Toolbar on MDaemon do the following steps
  1. Righ click on toolbars area.

  2. You will see popup menu with 4 choice : 0-Domain and Users, 1-Popular items, 2-Security, 3-Queues and Help.
  3. Uncheck item toolbar you want to hide.