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23 October 2009

Backup Data In Windows Operating System

To prevent loss of data you can use the backup facilities provided by windows operating system.

I am using ntbackup.exe to back up data files. Since the user uses a terminal server system in which all data user stores in one server, then the backup process can easily be done. We have terminal server user data stored in the folder d:\public\user-name where User-name is the username of each user on the domain server. Backup process is done automatically at night, can be adjusted every day or once a week or once a month depending on needs.

There are two stages to perform the data backup process:
1. Specify a list of files and folders to be backed up
2. Carry out a schedule backup tasks.

1. Determine the list of files and folders to be backed up

By default the list of files and folders of information to be backed up is stored in the form of text files with the extension BKS on the folder C:\Documents and Settings \Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data. Username is the name of the current user logged in Windows.

For example admin.bks file with the file contents as follows:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Default.rdp / Exclude
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\desktop.ini / Exclude
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Music\Sample Music.lnk/ Exclude

This means that all the folders in My Documents is backed up except Default.rdp file, desktop.ini file in My Documents folder and files Sample Music.lnk in My Music folder.

How to create a BKS file?
We can make BKS file using Notepad.exe and then save the file with the extension BKS. But this is not recommended because it is not easy and there may be some errors writing the file and folder names that will lead to failure in the backup process.
Another way to create BKS file is using ntbackup.exe application provided by Windows.
  1. Run ntbackup.exe application using Run menu on windows start menu.
  2. Select Advanced mode, the application Backup Utility window will appear
  3. Select Backup Tab
  4. From the explorer that appears you can select the folders and files in a way to enable or disable the checklist in the box in front of the folder name or file name.
  5. Click the save button (floppy disk image) on the toolbar menu or select Save Selections from the Job menu
  6. Give the file name, then click the Save button

2. Implement Backup Data

Backups can be performed manually or automatically using a schedule task.

Manual backup

  1. Run ntbackup.exe application if not already active on your computer.

  2. On the Backup tab open BKS file menu by selecting the Load Selections from the Job menu, then select an existing BKS file.

  3. Set the destination to which data files will be backed up. Click the Start Backup button

Automatic Backup (scheduled Backup)

Carry out a schedule backup tasks can be performed using ntbackup.exe application.

  1. Run ntbackup.exe application if not already active on your computer.

  2. Select advanced mode.

  3. On the Backup tab open BKS file menu by selecting the Load Selections from the Job menu, then select an existing BKS file.

  4. Switch to Schedule Tab.

  5. Click on Add Job Button, on warning popup windows click on Yes button.

  6. In Welcome to the Backup Wizard windows click Next button.

  7. In Item to backup window click Next button.

  8. In Backup Type, Destination and Name window click on Browse button. Type a file name for your backup destination then click save button. Click Next button.

  9. Select Normal backup then click Next button.

  10. Click Next button on How to backup window

  11. Chose Replace the existing backup to save disk space then click Next button

  12. Chose Later then named job name of your backup schedule

  13. Click on Set Schedule button

  14. In Schedule job window chose weekly from the combo box schedule task then activate Mod and Thu check box (this mean you back up the data twice a week)

  15. Let Start time data at 12:00 PM this mean backup process will be performed at night. Click on OK button

  16. Set Account information for this job for example Administrator of your computer, then click OK button

  17. Click Next button set account information again, then click OK button.

  18. Click on Finish button of the backup Wizard.

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